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Getting Through The Winter Holidays Without an Arrest

man wearing sunglasses driving a car

The winter holidays are a chaotic time for most people. Many find themselves overwhelmed at this time of year, whether it is last-minute preparations, frequent family gatherings, or financial stressors. In some cases, the pressures and events of the holidays lead individuals to make decisions they otherwise wouldn’t, resulting in an untimely arrest. Our team at Newman & Allen knows what types of arrests tend to be made more frequently during the holiday season, and we want to help you avoid an arrest.

Arrests Over the Holidays

Certain types of offenses happen more frequently at this time of year.


While DUI is a common offense year-round, the rates of DUI arrests tend to increase during the weeks of major winter holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is likely due to the increase in social drinking that many engage in while at holiday parties. The police are aware of the increased number of impaired drivers and make efforts to increase their patrols at peak times.

Additionally, the holidays are a difficult time for many who have strained relationships or are otherwise struggling in their personal lives. This can lead to an increase in drinking and thus, DUI. Drug charges may also increase for this reason.

Domestic Violence

The overarching message is to spend time with and cherish your loved ones during the holidays.. However, domestic violence rates also tend to increase at this time. Why could this be? One of the main reasons why this increase could occur is the increased amount of time spent with family members and romantic partners. While it is not inherently bad to spend lots of time with loved ones, it does increase the chances of tensions rising between people.

Additionally, the stress of the holidays can lead to some couples arguing. If the police are called to the scene, someone could be arrested for domestic violence.

Theft Crimes

The holidays are expensive. Many people struggle to budget for all of the costs of the season. Financial stressors can lead some to shoplift, steal private property, or otherwise commit theft crimes.

Online Crimes

There tends to be an increase in identity theft and online fraud schemes over the holidays. For example, fraudulent advertisements about holiday giveaways that require the user to input personal information.

Tips for Avoiding Holiday Arrests

The last thing anyone wants is to be arrested over the holidays. Here are some tips to help decrease your chances of an untimely arrest:

  • Limit your drinks: If you know you’ll be driving later in the day or night, do not over consume alcohol.
  • Plan on a designated driver: Make sure someone in your party stays sober and will be able to drive other guests home at the end of the night.
  • Avoid tense conversation topics: If there are certain topics you know will spark an argument, avoid bringing them up or engaging in the conversation, in case it escalates.
  • Begin budgeting early: If you are worried about the costs of the season, begin saving as much as possible as early as you can.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from legal trouble this winter is to know your rights. Specifically, know your right to remain silent and your right to a defense attorney. Whether you are innocent or not, you should always use these rights.

Criminal Defense Attorneys in Rancho Cucamonga

If you are charged with a crime in the coming months, contact our team at Newman & Allen. We are eager to help you get your holidays back on track after an unexpected arrest. We understand that the stress of the holiday season can lead people to make choices that are out of character, and we are here to help you handle your case. You can reach us online or by calling (909) 328-6101.
