What Is Internet Fraud in 2020 And 2021?


As technology advances, so do the uses for the technology. The internet, for example, has become the host of many unique ideas and products. On the other hand, it has opened an opportunity for new types of fraud. However, many involved in this fraud often do not have criminal intentions, or they may not know what they are involved in.

Fraud can be complicated. There are many different types of internet crimes or internet fraud, and you can become entangled in mixed information on the topic if you are not careful. For these reasons, we have provided information below describing internet fraud and certain types of cyberfraud.

Definition & Types of Internet Fraud

The FBI describes cyberfraud as “the use of Internet services or software with Internet access to defraud victims or to otherwise take advantage of them.”

In other words, if you are using the internet to obtain data, valuable items, or monetary benefits through illegal means, you are likely committing cyber fraud in some capacity.


To provide more context, here are some examples of internet fraud:


Credit Card Fraud - When a person steals or illegally uses another’s credit card without consent, often over the internet.

Phishing - This involves ending emails or texts claiming to be a reputable organization in order to get individuals to reveal personal information.

Wire Fraud - This involves electronically transmitting something associated with fraud.

Hacking - Not all hacking is considered internet fraud; only certain types of hacking are.


What to do if You’re Charged With Internet Fraud

One of the best things you can do if you have been accused or charged with internet fraud is to hire an attorney. Here at Newman & Allen we can help build a strong defense for your case. Just call (909) 328-6101 to schedule an appointment today!

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