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What Is an Expungement?


Committing a crime takes a couple of minutes, but the ramifications can last decades. Arrest and conviction records stick to people and can affect their vocational, relational, and social lives. Fortunately, the justice system allows people to erase their criminal history through a process known as expungement.

What Is an Expungement?

An expungement is a criminal law process used to erase the criminal history of one’s past. When people commit crimes, their arrest and possible conviction goes on their criminal record. Once they have a criminal record, they will have to inform potential employers and landlords of the arrest, which may impact their eligibility for jobs/housing. However, an expungement can seal those records, letting the beneficiary apply for jobs/housing without having to divulge their criminal history.

It is important to note the expungement system is different in every state, which means hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney in your county is arguably your best option for a successful expungement,

Factors that Determine Eligibility

While every state offers expungement services, not every person will qualify for expungement. The various factors that impact expungement include:

  • Jurisdiction of the commited crime;
  • Criminal act committed;
  • Length of time that has passed since the act; and
  • Criminal history.

If you or a loved one are wondering if your criminal history is eligible for expungement, give Newman & Allen a call! We can help you determine if pursuing an expungement is right for you!

Contact us for a free consultation for your case!
